Silence Annoying Calls

Tired of receiving scam calls and harassing texts? Discover the identity behind those unwanted numbers with ease.(Google Play).

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061203394 (Limerick, Ireland)
Times searched
Reported by users
21 Apr
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Latest comment
28 November, 2022
Got a missed call didn’t answer though
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
28.11.2022 14:56
Retrieve Phone Owner's Name
  • Scam / Robocall (87.5%)
  • Telemarketing (4.2%)
  • Market Research (0%)
  • Opinion Poll (0%)
  • Safe (0%)
  • Courier/Delivery (0%)
  • Other (8.3%)

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With our system, users can expect swift access to pertinent details about any unknown phone number. From identifying the caller's name and address to understanding their age and potential connections, our platform provides comprehensive insights. Additionally, our website offers complimentary reports outlining the location, line type, and carrier of the unfamiliar number, making the search process seamless and informative.

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Retrieve Phone Owner's Name
28 November, 2022
Got a missed call didn’t answer though
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
28.11.2022 14:56
19 September, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Xxxxxxxxxot a few missed calls from this number!
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
19.09.2022 17:56
29 August, 2022
Just got a call from this number, I didn't pick up, but wanted to comment to let people know it's still active and calling people.
Comment from user (Irelandweb)
29.08.2022 15:32
8 August, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Phone rang me. When I picked up the phone made a dialing sound. A voice which sounded female from the Indian subcontinent Asked me "hello is this (my name)" I confirmed "this is (cant remember the name) from (my phone company) can you confirm that you live in (my current city)" my response was "you called me and if you are from that company you should already know who you're calling and have those details on hand" Her response " I need you to confirm that you are from (my current city)" thats wh
Comment from user (Irelandweb)
08.08.2022 14:03
25 April, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Didn't know the number so declined it.. Voicemail left was just silence...
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
25.04.2022 18:03
21 June, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Did not answer call, and voicemail was just silence. Been getting lots of dodgy calls lately so this seems like just another
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
21.06.2021 10:25
10 May, 2021
Scam / Robocall
On separate occasions I got 3 calls from 0833468834 with the message " This is Department of social services? My pps number has been used in money laundering and XXXXX." I got a call from 061203394 today but didn't answer and they left no voicemail, but I see other people saying they they got the same message with that number, so it seems both numbers are linked in this
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
10.05.2021 16:05
10 May, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Department of social services? Saying that my pps number has been used in money laundering and XXXXX. Wouldn’t Mind I haven’t a XXXXX to XXXXX in so they’d to cop on
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
10.05.2021 09:41
26 April, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Called me today and it got redirected. Some india woman said she was from 3
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
26.04.2021 16:57
19 April, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Some form of scam when you answer it begins to use another ringtone
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
19.04.2021 14:21
4 March, 2024
Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
04.03.2024 16:19
4 March, 2024
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad + Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
04.03.2024 13:28
30 January, 2023
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
30.01.2023 15:05
9 January, 2023
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad + Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
09.01.2023 16:00
12 December, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
12.12.2022 17:00
12 December, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad + Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
12.12.2022 14:09
29 November, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
29.11.2022 16:30
14 November, 2022
Opinion Poll
Information provided by user: Good
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
14.11.2022 14:58
7 November, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
07.11.2022 09:42
10 October, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
10.10.2022 15:14
26 April, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
26.04.2021 09:32
26 April, 2021
Opinion Poll
Information provided by user: Good
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
26.04.2021 10:53
26 April, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
26.04.2021 15:50
27 April, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
27.04.2021 15:26
10 May, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
10.05.2021 09:41
10 May, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
10.05.2021 13:47
10 May, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
10.05.2021 15:32
10 May, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
10.05.2021 18:02
10 May, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
10.05.2021 22:28
24 May, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
24.05.2021 15:20
24 May, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
24.05.2021 18:00
31 May, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
31.05.2021 10:53
31 May, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
31.05.2021 14:06
31 May, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
31.05.2021 14:37
19 September, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Scam hang up and block
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
19.09.2022 09:44
14 June, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
14.06.2021 09:16
14 June, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
14.06.2021 19:41
21 June, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
21.06.2021 16:10
12 September, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
12.09.2022 10:52
21 March, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad + Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
21.03.2022 21:06
15 August, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
15.08.2022 09:58
28 June, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
28.06.2021 15:22
12 September, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
12.09.2022 15:25
11 July, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
11.07.2022 15:55
11 July, 2022
Opinion Poll
Information provided by user: Good
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
11.07.2022 15:33
5 July, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
05.07.2021 09:09
27 June, 2022
Opinion Poll
Information provided by user: Good
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
27.06.2022 15:32
6 July, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
06.07.2021 11:43
19 July, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
19.07.2021 17:06
19 July, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
19.07.2021 17:52
20 July, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
20.07.2021 07:47
6 September, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
06.09.2022 15:54
28 July, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
28.07.2021 16:25
4 April, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
04.04.2022 17:25
4 April, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
04.04.2022 17:13
28 March, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
28.03.2022 13:52
5 September, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Scam caller
Comment from user (Irelandweb)
05.09.2022 13:33
5 September, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
05.09.2022 12:35
9 August, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
09.08.2021 14:35
9 August, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
09.08.2021 15:08
9 August, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
09.08.2021 15:26
7 March, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
07.03.2022 14:42
7 February, 2022
Opinion Poll
Information provided by user: Good
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
07.02.2022 17:11
24 January, 2022
Opinion Poll
Information provided by user: Good
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
24.01.2022 12:46
17 January, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
17.01.2022 14:28
10 January, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
10.01.2022 22:45
10 January, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
10.01.2022 12:02
29 August, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
29.08.2022 17:15
13 December, 2021
Opinion Poll
Information provided by user: Good
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
13.12.2021 15:56
13 December, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
13.12.2021 09:08
15 August, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
15.08.2022 14:44
25 July, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
25.07.2022 17:54
18 July, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
18.07.2022 17:26
18 July, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
18.07.2022 12:25
4 July, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
04.07.2022 12:06
15 November, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
15.11.2021 15:34
27 June, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
27.06.2022 13:22
1 November, 2021
Opinion Poll
Information provided by user: Good
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
01.11.2021 10:47
1 November, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
01.11.2021 09:30
25 April, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
25.04.2022 09:50
11 April, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
11.04.2022 19:26
11 April, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
11.04.2022 13:08
18 October, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
18.10.2021 17:09
21 March, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
21.03.2022 17:11
18 October, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
18.10.2021 12:39
8 March, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
08.03.2022 12:32
11 October, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
11.10.2021 14:55
11 October, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
11.10.2021 14:48
4 October, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
04.10.2021 12:23
18 January, 2022
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
18.01.2022 22:14
13 September, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
13.09.2021 14:18
13 September, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
13.09.2021 13:36
13 September, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
13.09.2021 13:16
1 November, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Scam / Robocall
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
01.11.2021 23:48
6 September, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
06.09.2021 16:36
6 September, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
06.09.2021 11:52
31 August, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
31.08.2021 14:24
30 August, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
30.08.2021 14:13
30 August, 2021
Opinion Poll
Information provided by user: Good
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
30.08.2021 13:50
30 August, 2021
Scam / Robocall
Information provided by user: Bad
Comment from user (Irelandmobile)
30.08.2021 12:21
Possible formats
+35361203394, 0035361203394, 061203394, +353 61 203 394, (061) 203 394, tel:+353-61-203-394